Advantages and disadvantages of using a Parking Curb Stop!
When designing a parking garage layout, everyone wants to create one that offers visitors the best and safest parking experience. People can achieve this goal by installing general parking management tools such as a parking ramp, parking curb stop, etc.
Parking curb stops are very effective in making daily parking areas well-organised, well-structured, and safe for people, vehicles, and objects around them. Though they offer numerous benefits, they still have some disadvantages. You should consider both before buying or installing them.
This article highlights all the key advantages and disadvantages of parking curb stops, so you can decide where, when, and how to or not to use them.
Seven advantages of using a parking kerb stop!
Parking kerb stops are essential for visitor parking areas, free parking spots, or electric vehicle charging stations. There are many advantages to using them. Some of these advantages are:
- Parking stops make a durable and lasting solution for traffic management issues in guest parking areas. They come in different materials, including recycled plastic, recycled rubber, steel, concrete, and a plastic-rubber blend. These tough materials can help you keep your parking space organised for years.
- There are different parking stops for vehicles like buses, cars, motorcycles, and cycles. They mainly differ from each other based on their dimensions and weight-bearing capacities. You can choose a parking stop according to your vehicle type.
- You can use parking stops with other traffic control devices, including speed ramps, bumps, speed humps, etc. They will altogether make your public parking garage a safe and structured place.
- They are waterproof and can tolerate different weather conditions. It means you can apply them both indoors and outdoors.
- They have reflective markings which make them visible at night in restricted parking, reserved parking, campus parking, or paid parking structures.
- Some wheel stops, such as rubber parking blocks, show flexibility. Due to this reason, you can install them on a variety of even and uneven ground, including concrete and asphalt.
- Rubber and plastic wheel stops are lightweight and easy to install. Anyone can install them if one knows how to use basic tools such as a drilling machine and hammer. These features make them less costly, as you will not have to pay their installation cost if you install them yourself.

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Get to know the benefits of installing parking blocks in public car parks!
Wheel stops offer many benefits when installed in accessible parking garages or on-street parking facilities.
Here are a few key benefits explaining why you should have wheel stops in your parking facility.
Prevent collisions between vehicles
The collision rate between vehicles parked in public parking garages is generally high as these areas are congested and vehicles have a small distance between them.
However, you can reduce this collision rate by installing a barrier – a wheel stop – between two cars so that they don’t move beyond the barrier or get too close to the neighbouring car.

Manage traffic flow inside parking spaces
Large public parking lots experience heavy traffic regularly. Vehicles can get stuck while trying to move in a multi-storey parking space.
Installing parking curb stops can help you establish the correct flow of traffic. It prevents drivers from driving in the wrong direction or pulling into neighbouring lanes.
Keep parking areas organised and well-structured
A public parking area may look disorganised and messy if drivers don’t know the parking spot limit and park their vehicles without any order. But if you use wheel stops, they will know where to park the car and the distance between two vehicles.
It will give your guest parking, residential parking, or disability parking zones an orderly and systematic structure. It will also help drivers follow parking rules, markings, signs, and regulations.
Protect your property and other accessories
Installing wheel stops in a large parking garage, employee parking area, designated parking site, perpendicular parking area, or motorcycle parking facility can help you prevent accidental collisions of vehicles with property walls.

Attract more visitors
If you run a handicapped parking, hourly parking, monthly parking, green parking, or any other parking business, you can enhance your business output by installing wheel stops. It is because wheel stops maintain traffic flow and keep parking lot structures well.
Improve the physical appearance of parking areas
Parking curb blocks come in several forms. They differ based on their colours, materials, dimensions, reflective tape designs, and many other factors.
You can get them in any form based on your short-term parking structure’s interior design or appearance. It will help you enhance the physical appearance of any parking area.

Do parking blocks make the parking situation better?
Parking blocks improve parking situations in many ways in overnight parking, disabled parking, airport parking, downtown parking, or common parking areas.
Here are a few examples:
- In EV charging stations, an electric vehicle is parked close to charging machines. The vehicle may damage the machine if it accidentally collides with it. But the parking block will prevent the vehicle’s forward movement and protect the machine.
- Similarly, managing the daily parking traffic will become challenging if you have a large city parking place where hundreds of people park their vehicles daily. However, installing wheel stops will help drivers park their vehicles in the right spot and stay in their lane.
- In parking spaces, some people may park their vehicles in the pedestrian or cycle lanes. But if you install a wheel stop on one side of the lane, the driver will know the parking limit, and he will probably not cross that limit to park his vehicle.

Disadvantages of using a Parking Curb Stop
Like any other traffic control device, parking curb stops also have disadvantages. These cones include:
May cause a tripping hazard
If a wheel stop is installed beside a pedestrian lane or where pedestrians often walk, people may trip over this raised obstacle and fall down. It may cause injuries or similar issues.
May not be convenient when using snowploughs
Wheel stops may not be appropriate in cold climates where roads and streets are covered in snow. It is because they make it difficult for snowploughs to remove snow from a snow-covered zone.
May damage wheels
Wheel stops come with multiple benefits and disadvantages. However, their pros outweigh their cones, making them a must-have tool for parking lots.
If you are looking for something that can help drivers park their vehicles in the correct parking space, parking blocks might be a good solution.
They are available in several materials, sizes, and designs. You can choose them in any form that you like. Some manufacturers provide customization offers. So you can request them to craft your brand logo on the wheel stop or manufacture a piece in a particular size.
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